Assessment and observation 


Each year as part of our general classroom practice we complete standardized assessments.  Each year the data provided from these assessments are analysed. This alongside professional judgement, liaison with Assessment Coordinator, Learning Support Coordinator, Learning support teachers, Curriculum Co-ordinators and class teachers help us to provide a range of Learning Support.


Outside of our general classroom practice, our learning support teachers provide:


  • Learning support for children who need support with the foundation skills.
  • Booster groups for children whose scores show they are underperforming.
  • Enrichment groups for children performing in high average/above average bands.


Special Educational Needs and the Code of Practice  


At Belvoir Park Primary School we work as a team with you the parents. If you have any concerns please speak to the class teacher in the first instance. The Learning Support Coordinator (Miss AM McAlorum) may be involved in informal classroom observations, discussions and meetings too. In consultation with the parent there are many options to work from.


  1. Reasonable adjustments – review the procedures in place and make adjustments for the child.
  2. Offer support in withdrawal session – Learning support: Literacy or Numeracy
  3. Offer to use a specific programme such as Lexia, Talk Boost, Reading Partnership, Dough Disco, Squiggle 2.0.
  4. Complete a record of concern. This is short term support and then your child may move to Stage 1 which places them onto the Special Needs Register. You will receive an Individual Education Plan with specific targets.